Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Bit of Good, A Bit of Bad and the Real Ugly.

My friends have too much faith in my gardening skills. When they think of my yard they see this:And I tell them sure it looks good, but I have four foot weeds. They don't believe me, because all they see is the toe height weeds in my front rock garden.They say sure you have that one wild garden that hides your air conditioning unit, but it supposed to look full and a bit out of control. Plus there are no weeds in there. (There are, but they are hidden well.)
I say look closely and they scan their eyes over my yard and move to the backyard and do the same thing. Nothing. Then they comment on the pretty flowers off in the distance poking over the edge of my pool.They are so lovely and delicate. What are their names? I say go take a closer look. As they walk toward the back of my yard and circle around my pool, they are slapped in the face with this:
Moral of the story: You can hide anything behind a large thing and give people the impression that you are a superstar.

Add-on to the Moral of the Story: Weeds can pass as lovely and delicate for only so long and only at a distance.

Besides watching the weeds grow I did some creating this week. I seem to scrap like I garden...haphazardly. That is my word for the day. I had to fit it in somewhere. Anyway, the layout:

The Journaling: You DID it! You held on as if your life depended on it and were able to remain on the float and win the respect of all that went down before you.
Thanks for stopping by. May all your weeds be wildflowers and, if they aren't, be like me and pretend they are. Then hire children to pick them for pool privileges. You can see how well that has worked for me? It hasn't. There's another moral here, but enough is enough! :o)
Have a great day!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Just a Few Things

I see and read other people's blogs where they make lists of what makes them happy. Since I was over run in a good way with kids and neighbors last night and had no time to scrap, I thought why not make a happy list of this weeks occurrences. Yeah...why not. So in no particular order, here is a little of my "happy" this week:
New lounge chairs for the pool. Despite them being the cause of my speeding ticket earlier this week, I still love them. When I sit in them I wonder how my behind ever survived before their existence. The little pink thing in the chair is a happy thing, too. Double whammy in one shot. Awesome!
A little girl that still thinks a toad/frog can be a prince. She also automatically knows that holding this prince requires handwashing. No kissing allowed! She can blow on him instead.
Visits at work from a bendable kid. Honestly, this kid is a pretzel. He can fold himself into any position. If I crossed my leg, like he has done above, it would take me a week to unwind and another month to get all the kinks out.
Having Huck Finn (or is it Tom Sawyer?) for a lawn mowing nephew. Notice the handmade sling shot made completely from office supplies? Creative play at the age of twelve is awesome. Being old enough to cut the grass makes it even better. He's growing up into a non-lazy boy/teen/man. That makes me giddy with joy.
Finally, my dream of living in a doughnut has come to fruition. No fruit filling...just cream. Talk about happy! Life is good. And yes, I deperately need a hair cut, but that is a long story for another time.
Have a happy Friday! I hope your weekend is filled with only good things. Thanks for stopping by today!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two Week Notice

That title wasn't a reference to work. I plan on being here until I am old and grey. However, I will still be a hot chick. Ha! Two week notice means two weeks ago I looked at the shell of this layout, which I started a month before, and said in two weeks you better be done with it or it goes in the trash. I finished three minutes before the deadline. The layout just wasn't jiving the way I wanted it to jive. I liked it and hated it at the same time. Ever have that happen? I just couldn't figure out what was missing then last night I added machine stitching and the likability went up a notch to acceptable level. I then tried the newest scrap fad of cutting out titles. Well, it was fun to do. I need more practice, but for a first attempt I like it. I decided I would do all my work reports this way today. Add a bit of pizazz and make it a sure thing that they keep me until I am old and grey (and still hot).
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are enjoying your day!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Happy Hump Day! Nothing much to share today, except to wish you a happy day. I was going to make a list of things that make me happy, but realized everthing pretty much makes me happy and no one wants to read a list that counts up to a million. The only thing not on that list would be clothes shopping, which I need to do as my pants can only stretch so far. Grrr. Oh! My happy place just popped. I'll survive.
I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eat Fresh

Six inch Subway Club on wheat toasted with pickles, lettuce and ranch sauce. That's Nick's go to meal at Subway. He would actually like a 12" and sometimes he gets it and finishes it. Unbelieveable. I wonder where it all fits in his body. Unlike me, he's a skinny dude. He must be missing a couple of ribs or something like that. This layout was done for a sketch challenge that Jenn Olson hosted at Studio Calico. I was going to find clip art of tiny subs for the white boxes, but as usual I got lazy and the deadline was minutes away. So it is what it is.
Next on the scrapping adjenda is Greta and Jen's circle journals. The idea for Greta's came to me yesterday when I was pulled over for speeding. I wasn't speeding. I think the officer saw me zip by in my glory and needed a closer look. I really can't blame him. I am hot.
Yeah...on that note I better end. Have a wonderful day. If you feel the inclination to help me pay off that ticket, email me and I will be happy to give you my mailing address. ;o)

Monday, July 20, 2009

BASB Challenge 17: Summer and Organization

Hi all! The new challenge at BASB is now up. This time Liz has a double challenge for you. First create a summer layout. Yep...that's easy. Just throw on your thong bikini, snap a photo and slap it on a layout. I couldn't find my bikini, which I have to admit will be a relief to all. I did one about Nick instead. Whew! The world is once again safe. Here's my layout:

Part two of the challenge is to get your organizing on. However, there is a catch. Everyone knows Liz is the Queen of "Ew to New". She wants you to re-fashion a non-scrap item into a scrap organizer. In her words: It can't be like a Cropper Hopper product. But, don't be discouraged. It's not as hard as it sounds. You could post a pic of a few veggie cans you covered in paper to hold your pens and what-not.

Cool, yes? Check HERE to see what Liz and some of the other BASBers did for the challenge. Her organization items are excellent. Deadline is July 31 at midnight.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just Say Something

Just say something. No pressure. Right? Well, I have nothing, so you get this:
Things that have made me giggle in the last week - in no special order:
1. My niece hopped in the car and yelled put on your's the claw (law).
2. Again, my niece holding my bangs up says you need a hair cut. I ask if I should cut off my bangs. She replies by saying no...then you'd be a boy. Hmmm....
3. My nephew volunteering to do yardwork to earn some spending money. Him: I need $15 and I will do stuff for you. Stuff like weed. Me: Great. You can start on the vegetable garden (which has two feet tall weeds). Him: No. I was thinking I could weed the garden between the house. Me: Oh the one that you just watched me finish weeding. Him: Yeah, there are a couple weeds you missed.
4. My other nephew asked if he could go on my computer and watch a few videos on Oooo Tube (You Tube).
5. While painting, my niece and I were talking about colors. I asked her, if you mix red and blue what do you get. Her trouble.
While we're on a crafting theme, here's a couple of quick and easy layouts I did starring the wordmasters listed above:

Journaling: A pile of kids. You all look peaceful, right?
It's a happy moment,
but it is also a moment where poor Nick was being squished
to smithereens and the camera was not cooperating.
Poor Nick will have back trouble for life.

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BASB Challenge 16: Friendship

It looks like it is true. I am unable to weed gardens, sit in a lawn chair, swim, fish, eat, drink, blog and scrap at the same time. So since I haven't been here, you would think I have a weedless yard. Hmmm...think again. This year my ever expanding behind is sitting in a chair with a big bowl of melted ice cream watching the weeds grow. Oh is some humdinger of a summer. LOL! Yes, I am exaggerating. I actually swim, too. Well, make that I float.
Taking time off from loafing I come here to tell you that the new BASB challenge is underway. This challenge is all about friends. In Ki's words....The challenge this time around is in honor of friendship. I think we will all agree that this hobby is one that has brought us many wonderful friendships that have enriched our lives.Therefore, in honor of those friendships, I want you to do a page about a friend that you have because of this hobby.
Through scrapbooking I have had the honor of meeting so many awesome people. By meeting I mean in person and on this giantic ole web. I love creative people. They "get" and accept me. Some non-creative people get me, too, but it is a rarity and it gets tiring trying to explain to them what a layout or scrapbook is. If your reading this, I suspect you know what I mean. Anyway, this is what I came up with. A BASB challenge calls for a BASB layout, so I bring you my online buds, ak.a. the BASB chickeroonies.

And before I can find all the challenge info. right HERE.